Reflective Tape is an Effective Safety Solution

Reflective Tape is an Effective Safety Solution

Visibility, particularly at night, is a key factor in accidents involving heavy trucks, semi-trailers and single-unit trucks. Drivers can see less of their surroundings at night, making even large vehicles virtually invisible to them. To help drivers see and react to your vehicles on the road, it’s important to make those vehicles more visible.
The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) requires all semi-trucks and big rigs to be fitted with retro-reflective tape. However, these regulations don’t apply to single-unit trucks, fleet vehicles like dump trucks and delivery trucks, city buses, ambulances, tractors, or maintenance and utility vehicles. However, annually, there are almost 6,500 accidents where passenger vehicles collide with the rear or side of a single-unit truck. Based on findings of misclassification of such accidents, the NTSB has now recommended that the NHTSA start requiring conspicuity tape on single-unit trucks.
Numerous studies have shown that reflective tape (also known as conspicuity tape) is an effective way to improve vehicle visibility and reduce accidents. Safe Way Traction’s 3M Diamond Grade (983 Series) Reflective Tape is designed for application to sides and rear of large trucks, trailers, fleet vehicles, single-unit trucks and other vehicles and are a cost-effective way to protect your bottom line and help minimize your legal liability.
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